Spotted in the mist in Auckland Harbour on my way to work .
06 August 2006
Mahurangi Regional Park
There are at least 21 Regional Parks in the greater Auckland area , Reena and I decided we would visit each one . This is our first , Mahurangi , in Rodney District maybe half an hour north of home.
Another fine pot from Morris and James in Matakana
04 August 2006
Same location, same time , next day ....
03 August 2006
The view as my ferry was backing out of Birkenhead this morning , the days are getting longer, the sun is just up at 7.30am . Summer is coming ........please !
24 July 2006
Port Hills at sunset looking directly away from the sun.
Old hardwood fence post.
More a similar way to Cabbage trees I find Tussock very "New Zealand".
Christchurch City looking west.
Porters Pass Ski Feild area. (click image for larger view)