29 January 2014


On a good day hard to beat....

25 January 2014

Auckland Harbour bridge

150,000 vehicles per day , built late 1950's original span in centre. Two lanes added either side with extensions built in Japan - fondly known as the Nippon clip-ons 
The centre barrier has a machine that lifts and moves it across two lanes morning and evening giving a 3-5 lane split in peak hours (5 south bound in the morning and 5 north in the evening), with. 4 - 4 split off peak 

23 January 2014

Orbit Restaurant

360 degrees each hour 

20 January 2014

Doctors waiting room

Something about this just appealed to me whilst the chaos that was a failed upgrade to their computer systems over the weekend rolled around me .

02 January 2014

"Pick your own" strawberries and raspberries - a traditional national holiday pastime and family activity


Growing strawberries 


Fresh Raspberries and cream - oh yes my all time favourite summer fruit and very hard to purchase good ones in the supermarket as they have a limited shelf life.

Star you are a star.

Mt Taranaki